What are your Group Piano Lessons like?

Our Group Piano Lessons are designed for students who are starting off in their music learning journey.  Students have found home practice to be much easier, and hence it helps them enjoy their music as they move through the material faster. This is especially important in the beginning stages of their learning of the instrument.

The format of this program is designed so students develop the skills required for an independence in their piano learning, combined with musicianship, theory and ear training. As a result, the students learn to develop the skills necessary to successfully learn the music at a faster pace.

Our Group Piano Lessons combine the use of a traditional curriculum for independent musical learning, and group based activities for musicianship and collaboration.

Each class will have a maximum of 6 students

Each class will run for 60 minutes.

Yes – as the class is generally longer than a private music lesson, the teacher will still have individual time with each student.

The format of the group class is a combination of private and social learning, which helps with  students’ progress and enjoyment of learning to play piano.

Students ages 6-12 years old are suited for our Group Piano Lessons.

We highly recommend these lessons for students who are new to piano or working on a ‘method book’ level in their learning.

Students in our group classes build a strong foundation in their learning of the piano, and can progress faster than students learning the piano in a more ‘traditional’ approach. The group classes has a combination of both private and group learning so they experience the benefits of both approaches to learning.

Book an Introductory Class

Scheduling of class times will depend on class availability and based on the student's level.