
AMEB Grade 1 Music Theory – Differences in Pitch

In this lesson we cover the differences in pitch and how it is written on the music. Lesson topics and content covered in our video lessons are from the AMEB Theory of Music – Grade 1 book.

These videos are designed to help students with their study of the content. If students require any further help or assistance, it is recommended to find guidance from a music teacher.

Our videos are used to help anyone who wishes to complete the AMEB Theory of Music Grade 1 examination.

Visit this website for more details about the AMEB Music Theory Examinations:

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By |September 4th, 2021|Categories: Videos|0 Comments

AMEB Grade 1 Music Theory – Difference in Note Values

This lesson is all about Note Values. In the last lesson we learnt that a note has an individual sound that has a defined pitch. We are now going to learn that notes also have a defined length and to learn their names.

Lesson topics and content covered in our video lessons are from the AMEB Theory of Music – Grade 1 book. Our videos are used to help anyone who wishes to complete the AMEB Theory of Music Grade 1 examination.

Please visit AMEB website for more details about their music examinations:

Need to purchase the AMEB Music Theory books?
Shop at:

These videos are designed to help students with their study of the content. If students require any further help or assistance, it is recommended to find guidance from a music teacher.

Please contact us if you would like lessons for music theory.

By |September 4th, 2021|Categories: Videos|0 Comments
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